Who I am

A seasoned software engineer with a penchant
for Dan Post boots and snap button shirts

I graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2020 with a bachelors in Computer Science. Coming out of college, I put my degree to good use and got to work at Capital One, where I was able to leverage my skills to pay the proverbial bills. I've accrued a multifaceted techstack in my 3 years of experience, and continue to cater to to whatever is needed.

In my free time, I like to work with my hands and flex my creative muscles through my preffered mediums of woodworking, and 3D printing. I also like to weightlift. Something about the image of "big man behind tiny desk" just makes me laugh.

Things I Can Do

  • Backend Development: 3+ years of Java Spring, RESTful API development, and automated testing
  • Database management: 2+ years of MySQL database management, worked with large datasets composed of millions of records of data
  • Frontend Development: 2+ years of React Native, and Angular.js
  • Product Management: Effective communicator with teams (both internal and external), as well as clients and investors to lay out deliverable criteria and present said deliverables
  • Devops: Git, Jenkins, Grafana, CI/CD development
  • AWS Solutions Architect certified Managed microservices on the cloud, as well as databases on Snowflake and SingleStore

A Few Accomplishments


In my free time, I love running tabletop games. Cyberpunk Red in particular. I am to provide a tool for GMs (Game Masters) that will allow them to facilitate a game easier. This is a game with lots of numbers, and this app will keep track of them all. The players at my table all have characters, and I have NPCs of my own, each with their own backstories, and stats. Phase 1 will be a "toon" database comprised of player and non-player characters, accessed through a web app. Phase 2 will be the option to create encounters using characters from the database. Phase 3 will be incorporating voice to text to help facilitate this on the fly. Debating between postgres and SQLite for the db, Spring Boot backend, html+css+javascript frontend

Grimmoire (Frontend)

A Scheduling app for Creatives. Using primarily React as a front end, will interface with the service layer to allow the user to register as either a "customer" or "artist". Artists will be able to share their portfolios while customers can request appointments.

Grimmoire (Backend Service Layer)

A Scheduling app for Creatives. Using primarily Spring Boot for the backend, a postgres DB, this layer ensures secure user creation and authentication, and tracks appointments.

Marketing Navigator

Multi-channel scheduler for Marketing Campaigns, composed of several microservices. Messages were written to a kafka topic, of which there could be millions processed daily.

Keep me in My Car

A questionnaire for Capital One customers going through hardship. Worked on overhaul that would replace old workflow with Camunda decision engine. Reduced time to market for questionnaire changes from 1 week to a day.

JIRA ticket generator

Upon failed deployment in Jenkins, a JIRA ticket would automatically be created and sent to the QA team. Utilized RESTful APIs.

Contact Me

Want to get me on the horn? Shoot me an email!